About LNM
LNM is an abbreviation of Landsforeningen Norske Malere, which translates in English to The Norwegian Association of Painters.
The organisation was established in 1968 to promote the interests of painters. LNM operates under the umbrella of Norske billedkunstnere (The Association of Norwegian Visual Artists).
Our gallery is centrally located at Rådhusgata 25b, near Oslo City Hall. LNM programs for between seven and nine exhibitions yearly, reflecting the breadth of Norwegian contemporary painting. Programming is done primarily on the basis of an open call which takes places every autumn.
The gallery is supported by Kulturdirektoratet (Arts and Culture Norway).
LNM has currently has over 600 members. Complete list of LNM’s members.
LNM can assist with private and public commissions.
Welcome to LNM!

- Randi Thommessen
- Daglig leder
- E-mail: rth@lnm.no
- Phone: (+47) 900 81 685
Chair of the Board

- Anders Kjellesvik
- styreleder
Gallery Manager

- Gabrielle Paré
- Gallerimedarbeider
- Phone: (+47) 458 34 426
Gallery Manager

- Lena Trydal
- Gallerimedarbeider
- E-mail: lena@lnm.no
- Phone: 458 34 426